Roger Reynolds

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Electro Acoustic Music: Classics

Available at:
neuma records

Transfigured Wind IV(1985)
Flute and Tape
by Roger Reynolds

Other composers on the recording:
Edgard Varèse
Milton Babbitt
Iannis Xenakis

Liner notes by Shirish Korde, Robert Cogan, Milton Babbitt, Roger Reynolds
Primary Artist(s): Judith Bettina, Soprano; Harvey Sollberger, Flute
Label: Neuma 450-74
Dates of recording: 1958, 1978, 1988, 1990
Release date: 1990; Rerelease: 2021
Recording: Toby Mountain, Konrad Strauss
Editing and mastering: Northeastern Digital Recording

About Transfigured Wind IV:
This work is primarily concerned with the way in which transformations may allow music a more subtle and far-reaching engagement with the complexity of our temporal experience as human beings. We recall, immerse ourselves, and anticipate (past, present, and future). We are sometimes absorbed in specifics, at other times wander in larger, less well-defined worlds of impression. The formal aim in many of my recent works has been to invite back into music recognizable but not literal repetition of materials, while at the same time providing a new rationale for the role of “the precursor” (that which acts as a premonition of musical ideas that have not yet appeared in definitive form).

from Reynolds’s liner notes