Roger Reynolds

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...From Behind the Unreasoning Mask (CD & LP)

From Behind the Unreasoning Mask
Available at:
Apple Music

LP available at:

... from behind the unreasoning mask (1975) Trombone, percussion, and tape
by Roger Reynolds

Other composers on the recording:
Paul Chihara
Chou Wen-Chung
Earl Kim

Liner notes by Tom Johnson
Primary Artists: Miles Anderson, Trombone; Tom Rainer, Percussion; many others
Label: New World Rocords 80237-2
Dates of recording: ℗1977, 1998
Release date: ©1998 Recorded Anthology of American Music, Inc. Recording: Carson Taylor, Jerry Bruck, Stan Tonkel, Buddy Graham
Editing: Jerry Bruck, Don Van Gordon, Stan Tonkel
Mastering: Dirk Sobotka

... from behind the unreasoning mask: In the trombone part at the beginning of the Reynolds one also hears notes that are much more than simply notes. They could perhaps be better described as wails or gestures. Reynolds is particularly inventive in his exploration of sounds in this piece, with many special instrumental effects, such as the hum-and-play passages in the trombone. And the tape part, of course, explores a broad palette of colors as well.

– from liner notes