A passage from Here and There
Steve Schick, Solo Percussion
In 2018, Steven Schick approached me with the idea of collaborating on an extended work "for speaking
percussionist”. We met over lunch and scribbles, as is usual when a new project emerges. Explorations
quickly established a lean list of instruments and identified a text: Samuel Beckett’s Texts for Nothing IX.
Workshopping during August of 2017 and 18 brought everything into focus, and the new work,
Here and There, was completed in mid-October of 2018. As an additional dimension of interest, Steve
proposed a week-long set of masterclasses involving the two of us, a vocal teacher, and 7 emerging younger
percussionists selected from an international call. Cross-Wired happened during the last week of February
and included intensive daily sessions and a culminating premiere brilliantly managed by Steve.
FLiGHT (2012-2016) – Our Beginning Steps Trailer by Ross Karre [11'38"]
Movement I Imagining, II Preparing, III Experiencing, and IV Perspective
String Quartet, A Montage of Texts Assembled by the Composer (pre-recorded and spatialized), centering on human aspirations for flight which span centuries and culture,
Reconfigurable projection modules, Real-time Algorithmic sound processing, Multichannel sound distribution
JACK Quartet
Ross Karre, Visual design, Paul Hembree, Audio design
Recorded speakers: Eva Barnes, Lowell Gaspar, Carla Harting, Jack Mikesell
Robert Castro, Direction
george WASHINGTON (2012-2013) Trailer by Ross Karre [4'16"]
Orchestra, 3 Narrators, Video projection,
Real-time sound processing and spatialization
2 Fl (Picc), Al-fl, 2 Ob, Ca, 2 Cl, B-cl, Cbs-cl, 2 Bsn, Cbsn,
4 Hn, 3 Tpt, 2 Tbn, B-tbn, Tba, 3 Perc, Pf, Hp,
Strings in traditional 5 sections
Ross Karre, Videographer, Jaime Oliver, Computer Cues, Josef Kucera, Sound Design
MARKed MUSIC (2013) Complete [17'34"]
MARKed Music by Roger Reynolds Mark Dresser, contrabass and Paul Hembree, computer musician
Video by Ross Karre on 14 February 2013 at UCSD
"Thoughts, Places, Dreams..." (2013) performed by Alexis DESCHARMES [28'17"]
Cello Concerto for Solo Cello, Chamber Orchestra
Fl, Cl, Hn, Tbn, Perc, Pf, Vln
Alexis Descharmes, Solo Cello
Ensemble Court-circuit, Jean Deroyer, Conductor
Recorded at Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Paris on 15 November 2013
Shifting/Drifting (2015) TRAILER [9'25"]
Solo Violin, Real-time algorithmic transformation
First performance; 25 September 2015
Videography and Trailer by Kyle Johnson
PASSAGE 9: "Alliances, Realization, Benediction, The Sublime, The Space of Silence,
Sharing, The Inexplicable, Anotherworldly Intersection, What Was Needed, Context or Features, Cross-Modality,
Obligation: A Meander" (2012-2013)
Trailer [3'45"]
Videography and trailer by Kyle Johnson, Josef Kucera
Intermedia Performance
Texts and Narration: Roger Reynolds
Image preparation: Paul Hembree
Recording and editing of texts: Paul Hembree
On screen:
[Tadashi Suzuki’s production of Chekhov’s Ivanov (NHK recorded excerpt), Music by Roger Reynolds],
[MARKed MUSIC (excerpt) performed by Mark Dresser (Contrabass) and
Paul Hembree (Real-time algorithmic transformation)
Audio recording and editing:
Michael Ricca
Editing: Ross Karre, Kyle Johnson, and Frankie Martin]
For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Roger Reynolds at C.F. Peters Corp., NY
"In this series, eight of UC San Diego's finest teachers and scholars share their pursuit of 'The Good Life'."
Intermedia Performance
Narrated by Roger Reynolds
Montaged words of Reynolds, Lucretius, John Ashbery, Milan Kundera, Richard Wilbur, Emily Dickinson, Roberto Bolaño
Paul Hembree, Technical support, image preparation, text recording, spatialization
For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Roger Reynolds at C.F. Peters Corp., NY
JUSTICE (1999-2001) [49'28"] Complete
Actress, Soprano, Percussion, Multichannel computer sound,
Real-time spatialization, Staging
Text: assembled by the composer from Aeschylus
The video can also be viewed on the Library of Congress Site: