ROger Reynolds

Essays & Articles By Roger Reynolds

Updated 13 March 2025


"Indeterminacy: Some Consideration", Perspectives of New Music, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1965: 136-140.

"Current Chronicle – Japan", The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 53, No. 4, 1967: 563-571

"It(‘)s Time", Electronic Music Review, No. 7, 1968: 12-17.

"Contemporary Notation and Limited Indeterminacy: Roger Reynolds'  '...From Behind the Unreasoning Mask'", by David Loucky, EXT. 5, No. 2 (1991): 47-61.

"Happenings in Japan and Elsewhere"
, Arts in Society, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1968: 90-101.

The Unique Aesthetic Character of the Music of Roger Reynolds", by Philippe Lalitte
"This is the title of an article by R. Reynolds, translated as "Par-delà les dimensions connues", in J.-B. Barrière's (Ed.) Le timbre, métaphore pour la composition, Paris, Christian Bourgois/IRCAM, 1991, pp.467-484.

Reynolds profile by Ethan Hayden, Edge of the Center, June in Buffalo, University of Buffalo - SUNY.

Reynolds Review of Twilight of the Gods by Wilfred Mellers (New York: Viking Press) published in The New York Times Book Review, September 22, 1974 [p. 392 of online The New York Times Book Review Archive].

"Notes on the Control of Spatial Dimensions of Music," Talea 2/3, Universidad Nacíonal de México, Mexico City, Spring, 1976.

"Explorations in Sound/Space Manipulation, I. (1975)" Reports from the Center for Music Experiment, UCSD, La Jolla, 1977, Vol. I, No. 1.

"Inexorable Continuities: A Commentary on the Music of Conlon Nancarrow," Soundings, Book 4, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Spring/Summer, 1977: 26-39.

"Ives and Contemporary American Musical Thought," chapter in An Ives Celebration, March, 1977, Urbana: University of Illinois Press. This presentation at the Charles Ives Centennial Festival-Conference was conceived and edited by Roger Reynolds, who also participated.

"Thoughts on Sound Movement and Meaning," Perspectives of New Music, Spring-Summer 1978; pp. 181-190.

"John Cage and Roger Reynolds: A Conversation", The Musical Quarterly, Vol. LXV, No. 4, October 1979; pp. 573-594.

"Thoughts on What a Record Records," in The Phonograph and Our Musical Life,
Proceedings of a Centennial Conference, Institute for Studies in American Music, Brooklyn
College of CUNY, Monograph No. 14, 1980 (20 pages)

John Cage: Musical Messages (conceived and assembled with contribution by Roger
Reynolds), UCSD, La Jolla, 1980.

"Rarely Sudden, Never Abrupt" (a study of two works of Toru Takemitsu), in Takemitsu,
Tokyo: Shiseido, 1981.

"John Cage and Roger Reynolds: A Conversation" (1979), Thoughts about Music: John Cage's World (translated from English into Japanese by Jo Kondo), Asahi Shuppan-sha, Tokyo, 1981.

"John Cage: Interview with Roger Reynolds" (1962), Thoughts about Music: John Cage's World (translated from English into Japanese by Jo Kondo), Asahi Shuppan-sha, Tokyo, 1981.

"Modes, Not Media, Matter," in Roger Reynolds: Profile of a Composer, C. F. Peters, 1982.

"Warsaw Autumn: A Vigorous Festival Celebrates an Impressive Anniversary," Musical
America, March, 1982

"Some Remarks on a Stimulating Conference," letter to The Computer Music Journal,
Summer, 1982

"Archipelago," Journée Porte Ouverte (Ircam program booklet), February 13, 1983.

"Notes on Musicians, Machines, and Tinkering with Time" (English version + French), CNAC magazine (Paris), 1983.

"The Digital Processing of Instrumental Sound" (invited paper for the Acoustical Society of
America), San Diego, Fall 1983.

Music in Our Time (vis-à-vis ...the serpent-snapping eye), script for the BBC, 1983.

"Conlon Nancarrow: Interviews in Mexico City and San Francisco," (in Mexico City, 12 July 1975), American Music, Summer 1984, Vol. 2, No. 2; pp. 1-24.

"Réaliser une expérience musicale," Quoi? Quand? Comment? La recherche musicale (translated from English into French by D. Collins), ed. T. Machover, Christian Bourgois, Éditeur, Ircam, Paris, 1985; pp. 241-270.

"A perspective on form and experience," Music and psychology: a mutual regard, edited by Stephen McAdams, Contemporary Music Revie, Vol. 2, No. 3, Part 1, 1987; pp. 277-308.

"The Edge of Imagination," chapter in A Celebration of American Music: Words and Music in Honor of H. Wiley Hitchcock, eds. R. Crawford, R. A. Lott, C. J. Oja, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1990; pp. 492-500.

"L'ajustement de la sensibilité à une ensemble de constraintes," Inharmoniques, No. 8/9, coedited by Christian Bourgois, Éditeur, and Ircam, Paris, 1991; pp. 173-177.

"Beyond the edge of known orders”, by Roger Reynolds, translated as "Par-delà les dimensions connues", in J.-B. Barrière's (Ed.) Le timbre, métaphore pour la composition, Paris, Christian Bourgois/IRCAM, 1991, pp. 467-484.

"Across Unbridgeable Divides" (published in French), statement, in Utopies -- les cahiers de l'IRCAM, No. 4, 1993.

"Seeking Centers", an extended review article in Perspectives of New Music (Vol. 32, No. 2, Summer 1994) of Music, Myth and Nature, an explorative essay by F.-B. Mâche.

Notes for a Lecture: "Why are we doing what we are doing?" in Sävellys ja musiikinteoria, Sibelius Academy, No. 1/95, Fall 1994; pp. 6-14.

Notes for a Lecture: "Extending Imagination's Reach" in Sävellys ja musiikinteoria, Sibelius Academy, No. 2/94, Fall 1994.

"Mirrors," by Toru Takemitsu, edited and annotated by Roger Reynolds; trans. with Sumi Adachi, in Asian Art and Culture, the Smithsonian Institution, Vol. VIII, No. 3, Oxford University Press, Fall 1995 (re-edited from A Jostled Silence by Roger Reynolds, printed in Perspectives of New Music).

"...Taste, Boundaries, Relevance, Purpose, Risk... (about Salvatore Martirano)," In Memoriam Salvatore Martirano, Perspectives of New Music, Winter 1966, Vol 34, No. 1; pp. 200-207.

Keynote Speech: "Connecting Dreams with Realities: a perspective on Technology from the (distant) domain of Art," Proceedings of Open Classroom II Conference (School Education in the Information Society), Crete, Greece, September 17-19, 1997.

"The Indifference of the Broiler to the Broiled," Chapter 15 in Samuel Beckett and Music, edited by Mary Bryden, Clarendon Press, Oxford Press, 1998; pp. 195-211.

"Das Aufeinanderprallen der Tempi trägt meine Musik," (translation of "Conlon Nancarrow: Interviews in Mexico City and San Francisco"), MusikTexte 73/74, March 1998; pp. 99-108.

Ross Lee Finney: Memorial Words from Roger Reynolds," Musically Incorrect, eds. H. Biggs and S. Orzel, C.F. Peters Corporation, New York, 1998; pp. 3-19.

"...Ein Gehühl für eine Warnung" ("Robert Ashley: A feeling about a warning") (translated from the English by Gisela Gronemeyer), MusikTexte 141, Köln, Germany, May 2014, pp. 91-96.

"Ideals and Realities: A Composer in America", by Roger Reynolds, American Music, Vol. 25, No. 1 (Spring 2007), pp.4-49.

SCIENTIFIC PAPER (2008-2009) by Jacob Sudol and Roger Reynolds for ICMC 2010 New York and Long Island. Roger Reynolds second author for this (did not attend ICMC). “Creating and Inhabiting a Space: Real-Time Algorithms and Performance Issues in Roger Reynolds’s AngelSpace.” It is published in the proceedings for ICMC 2010 (389-396) and here