Roger Reynolds

Updated 30 June 2024

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Except for some works which remain in manuscript form in the Reynolds Archive, all compositions are published by or are on rental from Wise Music Classical, Part of Wise Music Group.



Tel: +1 (845) 469 4699
Fax: +1 (845) 469 7544 





george WASHINGTON (2012-2013) 24', cf. ORCHESTRA and MULTIMEDIA
Orchestra, 3 Narrators, Video projection,
Real-time sound processing and spatialization
2 Fl (Picc), Al-fl, 2 Ob, Ca, 2 Cl, B-cl, Cbs-cl, 2 Bsn, Cbsn,
4 Hn, 3 Tpt, 2 Tbn, B-tbn, Tba, 3 Perc, Pf, Hp,
Strings in traditional 5 sections
Text assembled by the composer from Washington’s dairies and correspondence
Ross Karre, Videographer, Jaime Oliver, Computer Cues, Josef Kucera, Sound Design Text assembled by the composer from Washington’s dairies and correspondence
First performances: 3, 4, 5 October 2013
National Symphony Orchestra, Christoph Eschenbach, Conductor
Clark Young, Thomas Keegan, Philip Larson, Narrators
John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Washington, DC
Co-commissioned by the National Symphony Orchestra through a grant from the John and June Hechinger Commissioning Fund for New Orchestral Works, the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, and the University of California
Wise Music Classical Hire

TECHNICAL MANUAL Four Real-Time Algorithms, Roger Reynolds (with Jaime E. Oliver and Paul Hembree) (2015) Technical manual for the use of software in the works of Roger Reynolds (SEASONS: Cycle 1, Dream Mirror, MARKed MUSIC, Toward Another World: LAMENT, Positings, george WASHINGTON, FLiGHT, "Shifting, Drifting," ACTIONS, PERSISTENCE)

Wise Music Classical Hire

Narrator, recorded voices, mixed chorus, 2 percussion, trombone, actor
8-channel sound and video projections
First performance: 17 March 2024
UC San Diego Park & Market
San Diego, California
Kyle Johnson, filmmaker and video design
Jacob Sundstrom, electronics and sound design
Robert Castro, stage director
Steven Schick, conductor
Juan Carlos Acosta, choir conductor
Leslie Ann Leytham, creative producer
Performances By
Aiyun Huang, percussion
Berk Schneider, trombone
Kosuke Matsuda, percussion
Jesse Perez, actor

For inquiries regarding KNOWING / NOT KNOWING, contact the composer directly:


Wise Classical Music
Sheet Music Plus Purchase

PASSAGE 1: "Responsibility, Alliances, Collaboration, Realization, Resource, Mastery, Reward, Futures, Chance, Serendipity, Loyalty" (referencing Takahashi and Xenakis, Carter, Arditti, Weisberg, and Takemitsu) (2009)
Intermedia Performance by Roger Reynolds
Performance date: 1 December 2009
Mike Gao, Technical support
204 inFocus Seminar, Experimental Theater
Conrad Prebys Music Center, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California

For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Gene Caprioglio

PASSAGE 2: "Benediction, Sharing, Legacy, Public Exposure, Seasons, The Sublime" (referencing Xenakis, Cage, Schick, Poetry, and Barnett Newman) (2010)

Intermedia Performance
Narrated by Roger Reynolds

Performance date: 20 May 2010
Autumn Island (Islands from Archipelago: II) (Solo Marimba), Brian Archinal
Jaime Oliver, Technical Support
Calit2 Black Box Theater, Atkinson Hall
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California

For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Gene Caprioglio

PASSAGE 3: "Going First Class, Perilous Consideration, Subconscious Craft, Anotherworldly Intersection, Unnatural Experience, The Source of Force, Memorability, Differences" (referencing Feldman, Varèse, Gerhard, Takemitsu, Xenakis, Carter, and Copland) (2010)

Intermedia Performance
Narrated by Roger Reynolds

Performance date: 3 June 2010
With Irvine Arditti and Lucas Fels
Jaime Oliver, Technical Support
June in Buffalo, 35th Anniversary
Baird Concert Hall, University at Buffalo - SUNY

For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Gene Caprioglio

PASSAGE 4: "Alliances, Understanding the Context, Benediction, Sharing, Collaboration, Loyalty, Memorability, Mission" (referencing Takahashi and Xenakis, Cage, Takemitsu, Ashley, Mumma, Scavarda, Daugherty, and George Washington) (2010)

Intermedia Performance
Narrated by Roger Reynolds

Performance date: 3 November 2010
ONCE. MORE. Festival
Rackham Lecture Hall, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Gene Caprioglio

PASSAGE 5: "Theories and Experience, Alliances, Responsibility, What Is Needed, Intention, Loyalty, Memorability, The Sublime, Anotherworldly Intersection, Seasons" (referencing Form and Method, Takahashi and Xenakis, Takemitsu, Carter, and Barnett Newman) (2011)

Intermedia Performance
Narrated by Roger Reynolds

Performance date: 11 May 2011
Schoenberg Hall, University of California, Los Angeles

For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Gene Caprioglio

PASSAGE 6: "Theories and Experience, The Source of Force, Collaboration, Alliances, Anotherworldly Intersection, Chance and Determinacy, The Right Amount, What Is Needed, Memorability, Context or Features?, Loyalty, Benediction" (referencing Mind Models, Takahashi and Xenakis, Takemitsu, Cage, Tiensuu, and Kandinsky) (2011)

Intermedia Performance
Narrated by Roger Reynolds

Performance date: 13 July 2011
Toward Another World Preliminary version, Bill Kalinkos, Clarinet, Jaime Oliver, Real-time algorithmic transformation
Jaime Oliver, Technical assistance
MIZZOU New Music Summer Festival
Whitmore Recital Hall, University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri

For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Gene Caprioglio

PASSAGE 7: "John Cage – incidents, texts, conversations, and music" (2012)

Intermedia Performance
Narrated by Roger Reynolds

ILLUMINATIONs 5, Intermedia Lecture Event, John Cage Centennial Festival Washington, DC
Performance date: 9 September 2012
Jenny Lin, Guest Pianist, SEASONS (excerpts), Quest (complete), and ONE (complete)
Jaime Oliver, Technical assistance
National Gallery of Art, East Building Auditorium
Washington, DC

One in a series of intermedia creations by Roger Reynolds, this centers on a poetic American: John Cage as composer, writer, philosopher, visual artist, and performer. The presentation offers a personalized perspective on (and around) Cage and his work. Subjects for Reynolds’s texts include ENCOUNTERS (his first meeting with Cage), CHANCE AND INDETERMINACY (as manifested in life), SHARING (meals), THE SPACE OF SILENCE (doing an interview with Cage), CONTEXT OR FEATURES (an exploration of how musical experiences mean), and CHAGRIN (a detailed discussion of an interaction with Cage involving his “Themes and Variations” text). Also included are recorded passages from a conversation between Cage and Reynolds at the University of Toronto (on Duchamp, cooking, Thirty Pieces for Five Orchestras, and Cage’s view of his work), as well as some of the Indeterminacy stories as recorded by Cage. The texts are spatialized, both live and recorded readings, and are interpenetrated by projected images and also performances by pianist Jenny Lin of Cage’s SEASONS (excerpts), Quest (complete), and ONE (complete), the first of the late number pieces.

For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Gene Caprioglio

PASSAGE 8: "On Learning, Varèse, Cage, Ashley, Musical Experience, and Intermedia" (2012)

Intermedia Performance
Narrated by Roger Reynolds

Performance date: 6 December 2012
Paul Hembree, Technical support
imagE/viola, John Pickford Richards, Viola

Toward Another World Preliminary version, Bill Kalinkos, Clarinet, Paul Hembree, Real-Time algorithmic transformation
John Knowles Paine Concert Hall
Harvard University, Cambridge

For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Gene Caprioglio

PASSAGE 9: "Alliances, Realization, Benediction, The Sublime, The Space of Silence, Sharing, The Inexplicable, Anotherworldly Intersection, What Was Needed, Context or Features, Cross-Modality, Obligation: A Meander" (2012-2013)

Intermedia Performance
Narrated by Roger Reynolds

Texts and Narration: Roger Reynolds
Image preparation: Paul Hembree
Recording and editing of texts: Paul Hembree

On screen:
[Tadashi Suzuki’s production of Chekhov’s Ivanov (NHK recorded excerpt), Music by Roger Reynolds],
[MARKed MUSIC (excerpt) performed by Mark Dresser (Contrabass) and
Paul Hembree (real-time algorithmic sound processing)
Audio recording and editing: Michael Ricca
Editing: Ross Karre, Kyle Johnson, and Frankie Martin]

Performance date: 13 March 2013
Chatter/Clatter, Steven Schick (Percussion) and Paul Hembree (Computer Musician)
imagE/flute, Rachel Beetz, Flute
Conrad Prebys Concert Hall, Conrad Prebys Music Center
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, California

For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Gene Caprioglio

Trailer by Kyle Johnson and Josef Kucera for Reynolds's PASSAGE 9 from Roger Reynolds on Vimeo.

Passage 10: "Musings on “Good Lives”: Relationships, Sustenance, Aspirations –
Truth, Secrets, Boundaries, Purpose, Flight" (2013-2014) 58'53"

Intermedia Performance
Narrated by Roger Reynolds

Montaged words of Reynolds, Lucretius, John Ashbery, Milan Kundera, Richard Wilbur, Emily Dickinson, Roberto Bolaño
Paul Hembree, Technical support, image preparation, text recording, spatialization
"In this series, eight of UC San Diego's finest teachers and scholars share their pursuit of 'The Good Life'."
Performance date: 3 March 2014
Conrad Prebys Concert Hall
Conrad Prebys Music Center
University of California, San Diego La Jolla, California

For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Gene Caprioglio

UCSD-TV complete video of PASSAGE 10 by Roger Reynolds

PASSAGE 11: "Collaboration, Cage, Takemitsu, Xenakis, the Sublime, and Obligation" (2016)

Intermedia Performance
Narrated by Roger Reynolds

Performance date: 3 August 2016
Johannes Regnier and Paul Hembree, Technical support
With the Arditti String Quartet (performing three movements from not forgotten, and
Irvine Arditti performing the 3rd cadenza from Aspiration)
Darmstadt, Germany, 70th Anniversary Celebration

For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Gene Caprioglio

(concerning Xenakis, Takahashi, Takemitsu, Arditti, Cage, Czernowin. and Tiensuu) (2023)

Intermedia Performance
Narrated by Roger Reynolds

Performance date: 17 April 2023
Jacob Sundstrom, Computer Musician
April in Santa Cruz Festival
Department of Music, University of California Santa Cruz

For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Gene Caprioglio

PASSAGE 13: “Alliances, Unawares, Sharing, Understanding the Context, Benediction, The Source of Force, The Sublime, Futures, Anotherworldly Intersection, What was Needed, Resolute, Obligation: A Meander, Elevated Purpose, Considering a Capitol, Context or Features?” (referencing Takemitsu, Czernowin, Cage, Xenakis, Tiensuu, and Ligeti) (2024)

Intermedia Performance
Narrated by Roger Reynolds

Performance date: 10 March 2024
Jacob Sundstrom, Computer Musician
Roger Reynolds, Narrator
Meyer/Pearson Theatre, 15:00-16:50
University of California Berkeley


For inquiries regarding PASSAGE presentations, contact Gene Caprioglio

Submerged Memories (2005-2006) 22'
Narrator, B-cl, Vln, Elect Gtr, Perc,
Electroacoustic processing
Text: from W. G. Sebald's Vertigo and The Rings of Saturn as translated from the German by Michael Hulse
First performance: 31 March 2006
The Paul Dresher Ensemble Electro-Acoustic Band with Tenor/Narrator John Duykers
Project Artaud Theater, San Francisco
Commissioned by the Fromm Music Foundation for The Paul Dresher Ensemble Electro-Acoustic Band

Visual projections for Submerged Memories: Leonardo de Vinci's The Annuciation and Portrait of Ginevra de' Benci and Rembrandt's The Anatomy Lesson
First performance with visual components: 20 April 2013
Philip Larson, Narrator, Leah Asher, Violin, Curt Miller, Bass Clarinet, Pablo Gómez Cano,
Electric Guitar, Dustin Donahue, Percussion
Image and sonic montages, Paul Hembree
Initiative for Digital Exploration of Arts & Sciences
Calit2 Theater, Atkinson Hall
La Jolla, California

Wise Music Classical Hire

22 (2004-2005) 30', cf. MULTIMEDIA
5.1 computer processed and spatialized sound, source recordings:
Anthony Burr (bass clarinet) and Steven Schick (percussion),
Real-time processing for coordination with motion capture system,
digital graphics, and dancer Bill T. Jones